Our crew

Our crew

Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Adoption Event

The event went well.  At least from our perspective.  There were about 12 couples there, mostly from out of town.  I think there was one other local couple.  The first hour was without the kids there.  The CPS workers told us what to expect, what kind of questions were off limits, and generally how to interact with the kids.  We also all introduced ourselves to one another and the CPS workers.  Danielle, our case worker, came too.  Only private agency workers came with their prospective adoptive parents.  We were so glad to have Danielle there with us.

During the orientation there were pictures around the room of many of the kids that would be present, including a sibling set of two little girls.  From the moment I saw it, I knew that was what we were there for.  I jokingly asked the case worker if we could hide that picture so that no one else would see.  We quickly identified the girls' case worker and made it a point to talk to her at length since these little girls weren't present.  (No kids under age 5 were there.)

There were about 12-15 kids there.  They had activities spread out for the kids to do and the prospective adoptive parents to participate in with the kids.  The petting zoo was the biggest hit.  We only actually interacted with one teenage girl.  I can't imagine how hard that was for her!

We were able to meet several CPS workers that will be great contacts.  Hopefully they will advocate for us as well.  (I think they will.)  At the end of the day we were able to submit our home study for those two little girls.  They are here in town and their case worker said that they really want to find a local family for the girls.  I can't give much information about them (I wish I could share their picture with you all!), but please be praying for them and for us during this waiting period.  The case worker said that she hopes to have the home studies reviewed and narrowed down to three families within two weeks.

This may or may not be it for us, but we are so glad we went to the event.  Please pray for all that are involved in this case.  We know that the Lord will accomplish His will.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats and best of luck on your journey.

    :-) Mandy
    Mom of 2 bio, 2 adopted, 1 legal custody, & 2 foster in southern Ohio
